coloured pencil on Canson Mi Teintes
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
This is a summary of posts on my other blog "Making A Mark" that comment on and contain useful materials for sketching. I mainly use coloured pencils (artist quality and watercolour) and pen and ink.
- A portable sketching kit - watercolour pencils and waterbrush
- Russ Stutler's observations on the waterbrush - all you need to know about waterbrushes
- Lyra Rembrandt Polycolour pencils - I've used these for over 15 years and they are recommended by me
- Royal Talens Van Gogh Coloured Pencils - these include a lot of blues and greens which are useful for the plein air sketcher
- How green is my coloured pencil collection? - colour swatches of all my choice of greens for sketching landscapes plus comments on brand
- Derwent drawing pencils - good for skin - but also good if you anticipate scenes with lots of neutral colours
- Colourfastness of coloured pencils - big improvements in lightfastness mean a need for a review
- The Rotring Art Pen - used by a number of sketchers
- Two new sharpeners - including a battery powered sharpener for sketching outdoors which is excellent for heavy duty work all day long.
- Sketching bluebells - includes comments about the need for bulldog clips!
- Amazon and Moleskine Books - check out apparent bargains carefully when buying sketching sketchbooks online
- Reloading a Moleskine - Martha at Trumpetvine Travels advises on how to use the front and back boards with a paper of your own choice
- Abrasive supports for pastels and coloured pencils #2
- Which sketchbook? - reviews the sketchbooks I use
Please feel free to bookmark this thread in your browser or in a links section on your website.
[Updated: 11.10.07]
Note: The sketch is of one side of the square in the thirteenth century bastide town of Mirepoix - which lies half way between Carcassonne and Foix in south west France. The centre of town comprises an arcaded market square which is one of the most attractive in the whole of France.
The square is bordered by houses dating from between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries, and a relatively harmonious modern halle on one side, but its highlight is the medieval Maison des Consuls (council house), whose arcaded rafters are carved with hundreds of unique portrayals of animals, monsters, and caricatures of medieval social groups and professions, as well as ethnic groups from across the world.In the time available I had the option of getting the architecture done or adding in people and only getting half of it done - guess which won! This was sketched from a cafe table at one end of the square.
- Making A Mark Writing about: Making marks with pastels, pencils and pen and ink - Creating new drawings and paintings - Influences on developing both artwork and art careers - Interviews with artists - Information about resources for artists and art lovers
- Ariege Pyrenees - Mirepoix
- Pyrenees Guide - Mirepoix
Beautiful sketch!! I walk a lot, in a lot of places, and I would so much like to be able to capture on paper what I see, the way you do.