Monday, May 07, 2012

St James Park - after the rain comes the sun

Afternoon in St James Park 30th April 2012
pen and sepia ink in small Moleskine Sketchbook, 8" x 10"
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
People who don't live in the UK often comments that we talk about the weather all the time.  That's because unlike all those souls who live on massive tectonic plates where the weather tends to stick around for a long time - the UK is an island and a maritime nation and our weather is very much influenced by what's happening to the sea.  Thus the weather can change season from day to day and hour to hour.

However April 2012 was a bit worse than most months.  "Depressing" would be a good description, especially after the wonderful summer weather we had in March.  It rained a lot.  However we still have the hosepipe ban in force as it hasn't rained enough in the last two years.  April reminded us of what rain is like....
April 2012 was the coldest April since 1989, the dullest since 1998 and the wettest since 2000. More remarkably, it was around 1C colder than March, a rare, but not unprecedented occurrence.
The Guardian - The weather in April
Which is why, last Monday afternoon, when I got to sit in the sunshine and sketch in St James Park it felt wonderful!

I was so busy last week I didn't have a chance to post the sketch I did until now - so here it is.  No coloured pencils, just pen and ink in a small Moleskine sketchbook as that was all I had with me.

There are lots of places in London where you can draw people passing by - and the cafe in St James Park - Inn the Park - is one of them.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your appalling weather. Pleased you were able to get out and capture this scene while enjoying some sun.


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