Monday, December 01, 2008

A new blog called Watermarks

Baga Beach, Goa
Pencil and watercolour in sketchbook

copyright Katherine Tyrrell

Watermarks is a new team blog for a small community of artists who create art from water - and I'm one of them! This blog is going to be linked to it as this is the blog in which I post most of my sketches and drawings of water.

We're a group of nine artists who like to sketch, draw and/or paint all forms of water - the sea, the coastline, beaches, rivers, streams, waterfalls, fountains - in all styles, genres and media. The people involved are
  • Vivien Blackburn - who loves painting at the coast and who came up with the bright idea for the blog
  • Laura Frankstone - who this year has been developing a project all about water
  • Gesa Helms - who does seascapes and see studies
  • Jeanette Jobson - who has the Atlantic providing a backdrop to her everyday life in Newfoundland
  • Tina Mammoser - who continues to develop her English Coastlines project
  • Lindsay Olson - who has been working on a waterways project
  • Sarah Wimperis - who moved to Cornwall this year and is painting the Helford River and its boats as well as parts of the coastline of Cornwall
  • Ronell van Wyk - who lives right next to the River Loire in France
  • and me - and I live very close to the Thames and sketch it often, plus I'm very partial to a nice lake or canal!
In the next week, there will a series of posts on the blog introducing all the members of the team. It's actually very interesting how many of us either live near to a major mass of water or have lived very close to water in the past.

Our main aims are to use our brand new group blog to:
  • display our works in progress as well as art as it is completed
  • highlight other artists (past and present) whose art involves water
  • highlight exhibitions of relevant artwork and
  • discuss media matters and tips and techniques for creating art out of water
You can see photos and drawings of the members in Welcome to Watermarks. You'll also find links to all our individual blogs in the sidebar plus links to various drawing and painting projects and series we've undertaken in the past.

What do you think of the idea and the new blog? Do come and visit and tell us what you think.

[Note: One December morning a long time ago I did the sketch at the top while sitting on Baga Beach in Goa. It's one of a few of the watercolour sketches that I've ever done in the past which I like! ]


  1. I'm a huge fan of your work and the blogs you share, Katherine, and delighted that there are more like you collaborating in a new 'water-color" adventure. I'll be here often. I'm so busy downsizing our home and no time for my art or blog lately, so following your travels with art is like coming up for a breath of fresh air!

    Joan in Washington State, USA

  2. I'm a huge fan of your work and the blogs you share, Katherine, and delighted that there are more like you collaborating in a new 'water-color" adventure. I'll be here often. I'm so busy downsizing our home and no time for my art or blog lately, so following your travels with art is like coming up for a breath of fresh air!

    Joan in Washington State, USA

  3. I think it's a great idea, very very cool in fact. I have added it to my igoogle so I never miss an update! Now I am busy visiting all your blogs and enjoying reading all the various announcements. It has been interesting to see how you have each approached the launch.


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