Sunday, August 08, 2010

Cosmo weighs up the escape routes

I've been up north this week in Cheshire and Scotland.  My cats went with me and as always spent a long time trying to work out different ways in and out of my mother's garden.  Variety is after all the spice of life and my cat Cosmo does like to ring the changes.......

 Cosmo pondering the escape route options
11.5" x 17" coloured pencils and pen and ink in Large Moleskine Sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

This sketch was done one morning as Cosmo tried to decide whether it was best to break out of the garden through the trellis, tangle with the blackberry brambles or dislodge the clematis which covers the loggia....

Mind you I reckon he was indulging in wishful thinking about it really as he's now ten, carrying a bit more weight than he used to and doesn't race up and down vertical surfaces quite the way he did when younger.  Although he still makes regular appearances on the top of the doors at home.


  1. Old age catches up with us all, but I think you've caught his intentions well

  2. Wonderful sketch, a pleasant composition of plants and flowers with soft colours. Cosmo is lovely!

  3. Wow, I love the way you've filled those big pages with beautiful garden... and Cosmo. I bet he wouldn't wander too far from the dining room.

  4. Thanks for the comments

    I'm afraid there wasn't a lot of composition to this beyond making sure that the bright light green of the clematic came somewhere near to a sweetspot and sizing so that I got the bird house in

    I do remember thinking that the Japanese were never afraid of strong verticals off to one side!

    Robyn - you know Cosmo too well!

  5. I know him even better. You can't hide behind euphemisms like "carrying a bit more weight than he used to", Cosmo. You couldn't hide behind a barn. Fatso.

  6. Takes one to know one Dermott!

    You can't hide behind that "it's all just fur" excuse anymore. We know you've been over the garden wall scoffing with the neighbours!

    You need a good trellising - not to mention the erection of a nice loggia!

  7. Eh. Ieri sono andato al veterinario. Ho dimagrito. Il mio peso è perfetto.

    Type that into Google Translations, Cosmo. If your pudgy paws can fit the keys.

  8. No problems with pudgy but the excess fur around his paws does make typing pretty difficult hence the need for me as interpreter!

    Cosmo says the vet has just told him he's gained weight and needs to lose a few pounds. :(

    However he likes visiting his Grandma because she likes to give him treats and he doesn't like to appear rude by turning down any food. He always appreciates a good cook - steamed fish is always most acceptable!

    So the diet starts next week!

  9. I offer personalised weight-watching tips, Cosmo. Now, after extensive research and analysis of your personal circumstances, here's what I advise for you.

    Pop into my mouth for half a mo.

    Trust me.

    PS. What's your remedy for hairballs? On the off chance that you slip down the wrong way.


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