I find the Louvre to be a complete maze and I always get lost in it. It's difficult to get to grips with just how big the Louvre really is, how difficult it can be to navigate or how utterly frustrating this can be on occasion!
This time we came in via Passage Richelieu. We started with the Italians in the Denon wing and worked our way across to the Dutch and Northern Europeans in the Richelieu wing. My niece naturally wanted to see some of the very famous works eg Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. You would not believe the crowds - so I photographed them!
After which I stayed longer and did a tour of the Richelieu wing as that was the part I'd not seen a lot of on previous visits. I began to appreciate far more than I ever done before just why the late ninteenth century saw a revolt against the history paintings which had been regarded as "the best painting that there could ever be".
I focused on the still life paintings and built up a collection of photographs which you'll be able to see on Flickr when I get them sorted!

One of my habits is to copy Rembrandt self-portraits - working on the principle that if you're going to copy somebody you might as well copy somebody who was rather good at what they did! The challenge is also that I never seem to get his face right - so I just keep trying!
Salle 31 on the 2nd floor of the Richelieu wing of the Louvre has THREE Rembrandt self-portraits hung next to one another. You can see my sketches of two of them on the right. Frankly I think it's another case of needs to try again!
- Portrait de l'artiste à la toque et à la chaîne d'or
1633 - Rembrandt à la toque sur fond d'architecture
Peint vers 1640 (sketch on left) - Portrait de l'artiste au chevalet
1660 (sketch on the right)
Lunch at the Café Marly

pencil and a little coloured pencil in Moleskine Sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

Visiting the Louvre
If you're thinking of visiting the Louvre or would just like to pay a virtual visit try consulting my new information site The Louvre - Resources for Art Lovers
Jardin des Palais Royal

8" x 10", pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
I'd started to get into the way people sit around in Paris gardens. The big trick seems to be to get hold of a really armchair like chair, get it right up to the wall around the pool and fountain and then settle down with a good book or have a snooze. Next to the pool was also a good place for couples to have conversations without being overheard due to the noise of the fountains!
I've only just realised that I've done two sketches of people sitting around fountains - but you do see a lot of that in Paris!
I'll be back to insert a link in this post to a post on Making A Mark about the Louvre (when I've got it finished!)
The next post about our French trip will be about our visit to Giverny - and will include links to videos of the gardens.
Katherine - It is so much fun to see what you sketched in the same places I visited. I like your sketch of the outside of the Louvre. I never did get to visit it, and after reading your commentary on both blogs I regret that. Nice sketch of the people near the fountain in the park. I love how they have the moveable chairs in all the parks, so you can get any view you want. I'll be back to see more.