Friday, June 24, 2011

Another sketch of lunch at Crillon Le Brave

Lunch at the Hotel Crillon Le Brave 23 June 2011
11.5" x 16.5"; pen and sepia ink and coloured pencils in Moleskine Sketchbook
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
This was my choice from the Menu du Chef at the Hotel Crillon Le Brave where we went for Robyn's "treat" meal before she goes home.

The Menu du Chef is available at lunchtime.  This is a link to a sample menu available in the evening.

There's another sketch to come which I did of the view from the terrace after drawing this meal.

This is my first post since the massive thunderstorm which blew out the modem in the house at Couguieux and burned out the switching box. Sarah says she's now had a fireball in her room as well as scorpions!

Meanwhile I just have a cat who sleeps on my bed on all day and wants lots of loving when I get into bed at night.


[Note: The photo of the sketch has been replaced by a scan which better reflects the colours of the food I drew]

1 comment:

I always check identities and ALL links in comments for spam.

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Nice, sensible people who are not new to blogging probably don't need to read my Comments Policy