Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Private View

Private View at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition 2011
pencil in Moleskine Sketchbook (8" x 10")
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
If you've missed all the excitement - see Lost and found - one sketchbook and Turner finished my sketchbook - these are some of the sketches which I very nearly lost as they'd not been scanned.

I attended the Private View of the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters at the beginning of this month - see
Talking to June Mendoza
pen and sepia ink in Moleskine Sketchbook, (7" x 7")
copyright Katherine Tyrrell
These were the sketches I was doing over my cup of tea which got referenced in the second post
After touring the exhibition about three times, I was sat doing my usual sketches of people visiting the exhibition while having my cup of tea - only to find that I was being entertained by the mellifluous and unmistakable tones of Sir Donald Sinden sat immediately behind me - while I watched Rolf Harris and his wife work their way up the portraits on the wall in front of me!  Such is the nature of the Private View for this art society!
What was very nice was the bit I'd forgotten until I came to write this post.  One of the members of the Society was talking to Sir Donald and a member of their party asked to look at my larger sketchbook - and declared that he'd been a professional art dealer and he'd never seen such a nice sketchbook before!  I was very chuffed (as we say 'up north').

How to see the exhibition

The exhibition can be seen at the Mall Galleries every day until Friday 20th May between the hours of 10 and 5. Admission £2.50, £1.50 concessions, (Free to FBA Friends, Art Fund members, Westminster Res-card holders and under 16s).

Note:  June Mendoza is one of the illustrious members of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters.  There was article by Valerie Grove - Put Me in the Picture in the Sunday Times Magazine on 1st May - about what it was like to sit for a portrait by June Mendoza AO OBE RP ROI HonSWA.


  1. I always love your gallery sketches. That second sketch is such a beautiful composition. And what a lovely (and well deserved) compliment re your sketchbook.

  2. I was just about to say what Robyn said and not at all surprised at the compliments. Would that my sketchbooks ever look like yours!


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